YES | Stuck in PauseWe want that change, so that pause pops up rather than blocking you from edits, but we'd actually like something better, that is harder to do.
YES | Pinned / UnpinnedAudacity wanted this change expedited into Audacity, so that the next version of Audacity uses a pin icon when pinned. That's on both the button and play head. Also red versions when recording, as in DarkAudacity.
YES | Tour GuideAudacity liked the pdf guide to what's in the program. The team have adopted the guide and adapted it, adding screenshots, and including it as a new section in the manual.
YES | Menu RearrangementThis rearrangement IS better than what we (Audacity) currently have, and we can use it as a starting point for further changes. Agreed and scheduled for Audacity 2.1.4
YES | New IconsYes to the version of the icons that works with a light theme. Could even be the default. Might be in Audacity 2.1.4.
Dark BackgroundNOT suitable as a default for Audacity. Would like as an option. Want something more flexible where users can choose the theming (better and harder to do). Some of the theming changes for DarkAudacity are baked in too hard. |
PROBABLY-NOT | Time LockWhy change the name of 'Sync-Lock'? Why remove the button? People are used to the Sync-Lock button.
MAYBE | Record BesideWhy change so that people have to ASK for a mix, and otherwise get recordings that are in sequence and not mixed together? Some in Audacity think it is an excellent change and should have been done a long time ago. Others think it will confuse users used to 'recording-below', and that it is a missed opportunity to do something more flexible.
NO | No Numbers on MetersNumbers regarded as essential. Possibly numbers on meter could be a preferences option (normally on)
NO | Removing Other ClutterNo, that 'clutter' is useful. |
Next: Why Create DarkAudacity?